We’ve introduced a REST API to allow you to leverage GIS Cloud’s features in your own apps, as well as help you integrate your data with our platform. This is an introductory guide; we also have a REST API reference.
If your client cannot produce all 4 HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) you can specify them using the _method parameter in the URL, e.g. https://api.giscloud.com/1/maps.json?_method=POST
In the examples we use curl, a useful command line utility that can produce all 4 HTTP verbs, making it useful for testing REST API’s. You can use it for trying out our API in order to get a feel for what kind of responses you need to parse, etc. On Linux you can install it via the system’s package manager, on Mac OS X it’s probably already installed on your machine, and on Windows you can download it from the project’s download page.
When it comes to actually using our API, you can of course use any HTTP client or library of your choice.
The information contained on this page is valid for the entire API. For details regarding specific API calls, see the REST API reference.
GIS Cloud API uses and requires HTTPS to help guarantee confidentiality, authenticity, and integrity. HTTPS provides a stronger guarantee that a client is communicating with the real API and receiving back authentic contents. It also enhances privacy for applications and users using the API.
The version is a mandatory part of all requests.
Don’t authenticate over HTTP
Keys and tokens should only be used over an HTTPS connection. Using a key or token over HTTP is susceptible to eavesdropping. This puts your key/token (and through this, your data) at risk.
Please store it safely. If the API is accessed with your key through a non secure connection you’ll get a warning in your email.
If both are used, the key sent through the URL has priority.
curl "https://api.giscloud.com/1/maps.json?api_key=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
curl -H "API-Key: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" https://api.giscloud.com/1/maps.json
An API key is a 32 character long secret word that enables you to access your private data and maps through the API.
It can be created through the GIS Cloud Application. After logging in, click on “My Account” on the top right of the screen. Choose the “API Access” tab, and under the “API Keys” heading, click “Add key”.
Supported format for all API calls is 'json'.
You can specify a format by appending .json to the url or by setting the Content-Type header.
Format over Content-Type header: application/json.
If both are used, the format sent through the URL has priority.
curl https://api.giscloud.com/1/maps.json
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://api.giscloud.com/1/maps.json
When requesting large lists of resources, it helps to receive them in chunks instead of one, possibly enormous, list. With the page and perpage parameters, you can choose the size of pages that will be received, as well as which page you currently want.
Lists of resources can be sorted by any attribute using the order_by query parameter. Set order_by to the desired attribute, and (optionally) add the sorting direction, to have the list sorted.
"name":"City of Zagreb",
"proj4":"+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs",
Get list of all maps readable by current user. Read access on a resource is allowed to all users or groups that have reading permissions (or higher) on that resource. Granting reading permissions on a resource to the anonymous user makes that resource publicly readable.
Attribute name | Description |
type | Filter by visibility: 'public', 'private', 'shared' or 'private,shared' |
perpage | Number of results per page to display (Default: 100, Maximum: 1000) |
page | Page number to display |
order_by | Order by, format '{created|modified|created}:[asc|desc]' E.g. order_by=accessed:desc |
expand | Expand by 'owner', 'options' and 'permissions' |
nototal | Total of results is not counted and displayed; improves response time; used for getting the response faster |
query_on | Fields on which the query will be performed |
query | Search query |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/maps.json
"type": "maps",
"total": 199,
"page": 1,
"data": [{
"name":"City of Zagreb",
"proj4":"+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs",
// ...
Code | Description |
{MAP_ID} | Map ID |
Get map by ID.
Read access on a resource is allowed to all users or groups that have reading permissions (or higher) on that resource.
Granting reading permissions on a resource to the anonymous user makes that resource publicly readable.
Attribute name | Description |
expand | Expand by 'owner', 'options' and 'permissions' |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" "https://api.giscloud.com/1/maps/123.json?expand=permisssions"
"name":"City of Zagreb",
"proj4":"+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs",
Create a new map. The user performing this operation is set as the resource's owner.
Code | Description |
201 | Operation successful |
curl -X POST -d '{"name": "New map name"}' https://api.giscloud.com/1/maps.json
Code | Description |
{MAP_ID} | Map ID |
Update a map.
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
403 | Action forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X PUT -d '{"name": "Updated map name"}' https://api.giscloud.com/1/maps.json
Delete a map by ID.
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
403 | Action forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X DELETE https://api.giscloud.com/1/maps/123.json
Produces map rendered as image (png,jpg) or as interactive map in an iframe.
Code | Description |
{MAP_ID} | Map ID |
{FORMAT} | Using this parameter you can choose image format, it can be in 'jpg' or 'png' for images or 'iframe' for an interactive map. |
Attribute name | Default | Description |
phender | true | Starts the rendering engine |
timestamp | Date/time of creation or modification. | |
width | 256 | Image width in pixels. |
height | 256 | Image height in pixels. |
layerlist | false | Set layerlist to visible. |
bounds | Set bounds of rendered map. E.g. bounds=1674429.541,5684163.171,1876223.296,5816093.482 | |
download | false | Downloads the rendered map |
numscale | false | Set scale number, e.g. numscale=20000 |
invalidate | false | Invalidate cache |
justgenerate | Just generate the image without saving | |
saveto | Set path to save image |
Attribute name | Default | Description |
toolbar | false | Set toolbar to visible. |
layerlist | false | Set layerlist to visible. |
popupus | false | Enable info popups in iframe when feature is selected. |
layer_id | Set layer id. | |
feature_id | Set feature id. | |
bounds | Set bounds of rendered map. | |
width | 100% | Set width of iframe |
height | 100% | Set height of iframe |
visibility | Set visible layers, e.g. visibility=1011,2121,1543 | |
expressions | Set visible expressions for a layer | |
f | Set features field to zoom into | |
v | Set the features field value | |
numscale | Set scale number | |
layerlist_expanded | Set expanded layerlist visible | |
scalebar | Set scalebar visible | |
noattrib | Sets noattrib class, removes attribution from the map | |
noctrl | Sets noctrl class, removes controllers from the map | |
no3d | Disables hardware-accelerated CSS 3D transforms for positioning | |
lockzoom | Disables zoom | |
style | Sets the css file to use |
Code | Description |
{MAP_ID} | Map ID |
List layers in a map, also alternative entry point to /layers.
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
403 | Action forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/maps/123/layers.json
Code | Description |
{MAP_ID} | Map ID |
{INIT} | Do map cache reinitialization. Possible values are: 1 and 2 |
Attribute name | Description |
layers | List of layer IDs for more specific map layer recaching. E.g. layers=123,125 |
This operation is required in order for the GIS Cloud application to see modifications to the map made through the API. Currently, the init parameter must have the value of 2.
You can choose to delete cache for select layers by adding the layers parameter and setting layer ids.
Code | Description |
204 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X DELETE "https://api.giscloud.com/1/map_cache/123/2?layers=100,200"
"id": "3827",
"name": "Open Street Map",
"owner": "2",
"type": "tile",
"map_id": "1198",
"source": "{\"type\":\"tile\",\"src\":\"osm\"}",
"datasource_id": null,
"resource_id": "14125",
"epsg": "900913",
"onscale": null,
"offscale": null,
"label": null,
"created": 1593945880,
"modified": 1593945880,
"x_min": "-20037508.342789",
"x_max": "20037508.342789",
"y_min": "-20037508.342789",
"y_max": "20037508.342789",
"textfield": null,
"styles": null,
"alpha": "100",
"encoding": null,
"margin": null,
"opened": null,
"visible": "t",
"lock": "f",
"exportable": "t",
"parent": null,
"tooltip": null,
"label_placement": null,
"hidegeometry": "f",
"geometry_offset": null,
"use_info_window": "f",
"order": "0"
Get list of all layers readable by current user.
Attribute name | Description |
perpage | Number of results per page to display (Default: 100, Maximum: 1000) |
page | Page number to display |
expand | Expand by 'form', 'options', 'columns' and 'datasource' |
nototal | Total of results is not counted and displayed; improves response time; used for getting the response faster |
query_on | Fields on which the query will be performed |
query | Search query |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/layers.json
Code | Description |
{LAYER_ID} | Layer ID |
Get layer by ID.
Attribute name | Description |
expand | Expand by 'form', 'options', 'columns' and 'datasource' |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
403 | Action forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" "https://api.giscloud.com/1/layers/123.json?expand=columns,form"
"id": "3827",
"name": "Open Street Map",
"owner": "2",
"type": "tile",
"map_id": "1198",
"source": "{\"type\":\"tile\",\"src\":\"osm\"}",
"datasource_id": null,
"resource_id": "14125",
"epsg": "900913",
"onscale": null,
"offscale": null,
"label": null,
"created": 1593945880,
"modified": 1593945880,
"x_min": "-20037508.342789",
"x_max": "20037508.342789",
"y_min": "-20037508.342789",
"y_max": "20037508.342789",
"textfield": null,
"styles": null,
"alpha": "100",
"encoding": null,
"margin": null,
"opened": null,
"visible": "t",
"lock": "f",
"exportable": "t",
"parent": null,
"tooltip": null,
"label_placement": null,
"hidegeometry": "f",
"geometry_offset": null,
"use_info_window": "f",
"order": "0"
Create a new layer
Code | Description |
201 | Operation successful |
curl -X POST -d '{"mid": <MAP_ID>, "name":"New layer,"type": "point", "source": "{\"type\":\"pg\",\"src\":\"<TABLE_NAME>\"}"}' https://api.giscloud.com/1/layers.json
Code | Description |
{LAYER_ID} | Layer ID |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X PUT -d '{"name": "Updated layer name"}' https://api.giscloud.com/1/layers.json
Delete a layer by ID.
Code | Description |
204 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X DELETE https://api.giscloud.com/1/layers/123.json
Produces single layer rendered as interactive map in an iframe.
Code | Description |
{LAYER_ID} | Layer ID |
{FORMAT} | Using this parameter you can choose image format, it can be 'iframe' for an interactive map. |
Attribute name | Default | Description |
width | 256 | Image width in pixels. |
height | 256 | Image height in pixels. |
invalidate | false | Invalidate cache |
Export single layer. If result of export is more than 1 file result will be stored into a zip archive and delivered in that way.
Code | Description |
{LAYER_ID} | Layer ID |
{FORMAT} | Using this parameter you can choose layer export format, it can be 'shp', 'mif', 'kml', 'gpx', 'dxf', 'gml', 'csv' (optional .zip) |
Attribute name | Default | Description |
zip | delivers result in a zip archive (optional) |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful + exported file |
404 | Resource not found |
Get the columns of a layer.
Code | Description |
{LAYER_ID} | Layer ID |
Code | Description |
204 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/layers/123/columns.json
"__id": 2,
"__owner": 0,
"__modified": 1521019799,
"__created": 1521019799,
"__ymax": -1509726.678482,
"__ymin": -1516754.052273,
"__xmax": 5384616.27791,
"__xmin": 5378882.208595,
"__geometry": "// WKT Geometry",
"data": {
"pop_densit": 1197.019565,
"sr": 94.47,
"p90": 31999,
"p80": 23941,
"p70": 24075,
"p60": 25173,
"name3": "N.A.",
"perimeter": 0.173,
"area": 0.002
Get list of all layer features.
Code | Description |
{LAYER_ID} | Layer ID |
Attribute name | Description |
perpage | Number of results per page to display (Default: 100, Maximum: 1000) |
page | Page number to display |
geometry | Format in which geometry will be packed. Possible values: 'geojson', 'wkt', 'kml' and 'gml'. |
epsg | EPSG code for the output projection. if not specified default map projection is used. |
proj4 | Proj4 string for the output projection. Alternative to the epsg parameter. |
bounds | Bounding box used for spatial filtering |
where | SQL type where clause – used for attribute filtering |
noattrib | Feature attributes are not displayed |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/layers/123/features.json
"type": "features",
"total": 197,
"page": 1,
"data": [{
"__id": 1,
"__owner": 0,
"__modified": 1521019799,
"__created": 1521019799,
"__ymax": -1419646.877283,
"__ymin": -1459747.128513,
"__xmax": 5035603.070479,
"__xmin": 5013602.777329,
"data": {
"pop_densit": 197.87547,
"sr": -99.99,
"p90": 73677,
"p80": 50877,
"p70": 36251,
"p60": 25394,
"demoflag": 1,
"name3": "N.A.",
"name2": "N.A.",
"name1": "Ile de Mayotte (Fr.)",
"country": "COM",
"adminid": 174040000,
"code": "IS",
"admsqkm": 372.3,
"sqkm": 372.3,
"afall_id": 3315,
"afall_": 4523,
"perimeter": 1.542,
"area": 0.031
}, {
"__id": 2,
"__owner": 0,
"__modified": 1521019799,
"__created": 1521019799,
"__ymax": -1509726.678482,
"__ymin": -1516754.052273,
"__xmax": 5384616.27791,
"__xmin": 5378882.208595,
"data": {
"pop_densit": 1197.019565,
"sr": 94.47,
"p90": 31999,
"p80": 23941,
"p70": 24075,
"p60": 25173,
"demoflag": 0,
"name3": "N.A.",
"name2": "Nosy-Be",
"name1": "Antsiranana",
"country": "MDG",
"adminid": 450060800,
"code": "IS",
"admsqkm": 319.2,
"sqkm": 26.7,
"afall_id": 3333,
"afall_": 4557,
"perimeter": 0.173,
"area": 0.002
Get list of all layer features.
Code | Description |
{LAYER_ID} | Layer ID |
{FEATURE_ID} | Feature ID |
Attribute name | Description |
geometry | Format in which geometry will be packed. Possible values: 'geojson', 'wkt', 'kml' and 'gml'. |
epsg | EPSG code for the output projection. if not specified default map projection is used. |
proj4 | Proj4 string for the output projection. Alternative to the epsg parameter. |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/layers/123/features/2.json
"__id": 2,
"__owner": 0,
"__modified": 1521019799,
"__created": 1521019799,
"__ymax": -1509726.678482,
"__ymin": -1516754.052273,
"__xmax": 5384616.27791,
"__xmin": 5378882.208595,
"data": {
"pop_densit": 1197.019565,
"sr": 94.47,
"p90": 31999,
"p80": 23941,
"p70": 24075,
"p60": 25173,
"demoflag": 0,
"name3": "N.A.",
"name2": "Nosy-Be",
"name1": "Antsiranana",
"country": "MDG",
"adminid": 450060800,
"code": "IS",
"admsqkm": 319.2,
"sqkm": 26.7,
"afall_id": 3333,
"afall_": 4557,
"perimeter": 0.173,
"area": 0.002
Create a new feature
Code | Description |
201 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X POST -d '{"data": {"name": "myname", "value": 995}, "geometry": "POINT(15 45)"}' https://api.giscloud.com/1/layers/123/features.json
Code | Description |
{LAYER_ID} | Layer ID |
{FEATURE_ID} | Feature ID |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X PUT -d '{"data": {"name": "new name", "value": 999}, "geometry": "POINT(16 43)"}' https://api.giscloud.com/1/layers/123/features/1.json
Delete a feature by ID.
Code | Description |
{LAYER_ID} | Layer ID |
{FEATURE_ID} | Feature ID |
Code | Description |
204 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X DELETE https://api.giscloud.com/1/layers/123/features/2.json
Code | Description |
{LAYER_ID} | Layer ID |
{FEATURE_ID} | Feature ID |
{ATTRIBUTE_NAME} | Name of the attribute which contains media files; separate multiple files with commas |
{FILE_NAME} | Attached file name |
Attribute name | Description |
download | Force browser to download the file like an attachment |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/layers/123/features/2.json
"name": "counties",
"num_rows" : 100,
"is_view": false,
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON",
"srid": 4326,
"columns": {
"name": {
"type": "text",
"not_null": false
"code": {
"type": "number",
"not_null": false
"num": {
"type": "number",
"not_null": false
"houses": {
"type": "number",
"not_null": false
"shape_leng": {
"type": "number",
"not_null": false
"shape_area": {
"type": "number",
"not_null": false
"primary_key": "ogc_fid",
"schema": "public"
Get list of all tables readable by current user.
Attribute name | Description |
expand | Expand by 'count' |
only_spatial | Get only spatial tables |
only_non_spatial | Get only non-spatial tables |
connection_id | Get tables from external database with given connection_id |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/tables.json
Code | Description |
{TABLE_NAME} | Table name |
Get table info by name.
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/tables/counties.json
"name": "counties",
"geometry": "MULTIPOLYGON",
"columns": {
"name": {
"type": "text",
"not_null": false
"code": {
"type": "number",
"not_null": false
"num": {
"type": "number",
"not_null": false
"houses": {
"type": "number",
"not_null": false
"shape_leng": {
"type": "number",
"not_null": false
"shape_area": {
"type": "number",
"not_null": false
"primary_key": "ogc_fid",
"srid": 4326,
"is_view": false
Create a new table
Code | Description |
201 | Operation successful |
curl -X POST -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"geometry":"POINT","name":"counties7","columns":{"name":{"type":"text"},"num_of_houses":{"type":"number"}}}' https://api.giscloud.com/1/tables.json
Not supported.
Delete a table.
Code | Description |
204 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X DELETE https://api.giscloud.com/1/tables/counties
Code | Description |
{TABLE_NAME} | Table name |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful + exported CSV file |
404 | Resource not found |
Get all rows of the table.
Code | Description |
{TABLE_NAME} | Table name |
Attribute name | Description |
perpage | Number of results per page to display (Default: 100, Maximum: 1000) |
page | Page number to display |
geometry | Format of geometry column, it can be 'false', 'wkt' or 'wkb'. |
fields | Only selected fields will be displayed in the response; separate multiple field names with commas |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" "https://api.giscloud.com/1/tables/counties/rows.json?geometry=false"
"ogc_fid": "1",
"county_name": "Tusco",
"houses": "20000",
"shape_leng": "374837.195938",
"shape_area": "2638814474.68",
"__created": null,
"__modified": null,
"__owner": null
Create a new table row
Code | Description |
{TABLE_NAME} | Table name |
Code | Description |
201 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X POST -d '{"data": {"attribute_string": "some text", "attribute_int": 5, "attribute_real": 3.14}}' https://api.giscloud.com/1/tables/counties/rows.json
curl -X POST -d '{"data": {"city": "Split"}, "geometry": "POINT(16.446533203125 43.5127049046481)"}' https://api.giscloud.com/1/tables/counties/rows.json
Code | Description |
{TABLE_NAME} | Table name |
{ROW_ID} | Table row ID |
Code | Description |
204 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X PUT -d '{"data": {"city": "New York"}}' https://api.giscloud.com/1/tables/counties/rows/1.json
Delete a table row.
Code | Description |
{TABLE_NAME} | Table name |
{ROW_ID} | Table row ID to be deleted |
Code | Description |
204 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X DELETE https://api.giscloud.com/1/tables/counties/rows/1
Deletes the data inside a table, but not the table itself.
Code | Description |
{TABLE_NAME} | Table name |
Code | Description |
204 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X DELETE https://api.giscloud.com/1/tables/counties/rows
Attribute name | Description |
query | Value to be searched |
fields | List of layer IDs and layer attributes to include in search, format: {layer_id}~{field1},{field2},...~[{field1:DESC},---][;{layer_id}...] |
x | Longitude or easting of the location |
y | Latitude or northing of the location |
perpage | Number of results per page to display (Default: 100, Maximum: 1000) |
page | Page number to display |
replace_special_chars | Replace special letters: 'å' => 'a', 'ä' => 'a', 'ö' => 'o', 'č' => 'c', 'ć' => 'c', 'đ' => 'd', 'dž' => 'dz', 'š' => 's', 'ž' => 'z'; case-insensitive |
address_layer | Address layer ID to be included in the search |
columns_meta | Include column's meta data |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
curl -X GET "https://api.giscloud.com/1/search.json?query=New York&fields=19~city,county~&perpage=10&x=0&y=0"
"id": 1001,
"username": "johnsmith",
"email": "johnsmith@giscloud.com",
"active": true,
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Smith",
"created": 1496395844,
"modified": 1496397654,
"lastlog": 1496397654,
"owner_id": 202,
"mobile": "+38199123456",
"web": "www.giscloud.com",
"phone": "+38199123456",
"file_feature_count": 2201171,
"db_feature_count": 245249,
"storage_raster": 124743678,
"storage_total": 2130925920,
"feature_count_limit": 20000000,
"storage_raster_limit": 1048576000000,
"resource_id": 18495,
"oidc": false,
"options": [
"name": "MY_META",
"type": 1,
"value": "Some extra information"
Get list of all users readable by current user.
Read access on a resource is allowed to all users or groups that have reading permissions (or higher) on that resource.
Granting reading permissions on a resource to the anonymous user makes that resource publicly readable.
Attribute name | Description |
perpage | Number of results per page to display Default: 100 Maximum: 1000 |
page | Result list offset for paginating |
expand | A comma-seperated list of special resource object properties which can be expanded in the response object Expand options: "options" |
Responses | |
200 | Operation successful |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/users.json
"type": "users",
"page": 1,
"total": 1,
"data": [
"id": 1001,
"username": "johnsmith",
"email": "johnsmith@giscloud.com",
"active": true,
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Smith",
"created": 1496395844,
"modified": 1496397654,
"lastlog": 1496397654,
"owner_id": 202,
"mobile": "+38199123456",
"web": "www.giscloud.com",
"phone": "+38199123456",
"file_feature_count": 2201171,
"db_feature_count": 245249,
"storage_raster": 124743678,
"storage_total": 2130925920,
"feature_count_limit": 20000000,
"storage_raster_limit": 1048576000000,
"resource_id": 18495,
"oidc": false,
"options": [
"name": "MY_META",
"type": 1,
"value": "Some extra information"
Create a new user resource. The user performing this operation is set as the resource's owner.
Responses | |
201 | Operation successful |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" -X POST https://api.giscloud.com/1/users \
-d '{"username":"johnsmith","email":"johnsmith@giscloud.com","firstname":"John","lastname":"Smith"}'
URI Parameters | |
id | Resource ID |
Get user resource by ID.
Read access on a resource is allowed to all users or groups that have reading permissions (or higher) on that resource.
Granting reading permissions on a resource to the anonymous user makes that resource publicly readable.
Attribute name | Description |
expand | A comma-seperated list of special resource object properties which can be expanded in the response object Expand options: "options" |
Responses | |
200 | Operation successful |
403 | Action forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/users/{id}.json
"id": 1001,
"username": "johnsmith",
"email": "johnsmith@giscloud.com",
"active": true,
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Smith",
"created": 1496395844,
"modified": 1496397654,
"lastlog": 1496397654,
"owner_id": 202,
"mobile": "+38199123456",
"web": "www.giscloud.com",
"phone": "+38199123456",
"file_feature_count": 2201171,
"db_feature_count": 245249,
"storage_raster": 124743678,
"storage_total": 2130925920,
"feature_count_limit": 20000000,
"storage_raster_limit": 1048576000000,
"resource_id": 18495,
"oidc": false
URI Parameters | |
id | Resource ID |
Update a user resource.
Write access on a resource is allowed to all users or groups that have editing permissions (or higher) on that resource.
Responses | |
200 | Operation successful |
403 | Action forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" -X PUT https://api.giscloud.com/1/users/{id}.json
-d '{"username":"johnsmith","email":"johnsmith@giscloud.com","firstname":"John","lastname":"Smith"}'
"id": 1001,
"owner_id": 202,
"created": 1496395844,
"modified": 1496397654,
"username": "johnsmith",
"email": "johnsmith@giscloud.com",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Smith",
URI Parameters | |
id | Resource ID |
Delete a user resource by ID.
Write access on a resource is allowed to all users or groups that have editing permissions (or higher) on that resource.
Responses | |
204 | Operation successful |
403 | Action forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" -X DELETE https://api.giscloud.com/1/users/{id}.json
"id": 1001,
"name": "App Role",
"app_role": true,
"parent_id": null,
"owner_id": 202,
"owner_name": "johnsmith",
"app_instance_id": 147654
Get list of all roles readable by current user.
Read access on a resource is allowed to all users or groups that have reading permissions (or higher) on that resource.
Granting reading permissions on a resource to the anonymous user makes that resource publicly readable.
Attribute name | Description |
perpage | Number of results per page to display Default: 100 Maximum: 1000 |
page | Result list offset for paginating |
Responses | |
200 | Operation successful |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/roles.json
"type": "roles",
"page": 1,
"total": 1,
"data": [
"id": 1001,
"name": "App Role",
"app_role": true,
"parent_id": null,
"owner_id": 202,
"owner_name": "johnsmith",
"app_instance_id": 147654
"id": 1002,
"name": "ADMIN",
"app_role": false,
"parent_id": null,
"owner_id": 202,
"owner_name": "johnsmith"
Create a new role resource. The user performing this operation is set as the resource's owner.
Responses | |
201 | Operation successful |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" -X POST https://api.giscloud.com/1/roles.json -d '{"name": "EDIT"}'
URI Parameters | |
id | Resource ID |
Get role resource by ID.
Read access on a resource is allowed to all users or groups that have reading permissions (or higher) on that resource.
Granting reading permissions on a resource to the anonymous user makes that resource publicly readable.
Attribute name | Description |
expand | A comma-seperated list of special resource object properties which can be expanded in the response object Expand options: "owner", "options", "tags", "permissions" |
Responses | |
200 | Operation successful |
403 | Action forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/roles/{id}.json
"id": 1001,
"name": "App Role",
"app_role": true,
"parent_id": null,
"owner_id": 202,
"owner_name": "johnsmith",
"app_instance_id": 147654
URI Parameters | |
id | Resource ID |
Update a role resource.
Write access on a resource is allowed to all users or groups that have editing permissions (or higher) on that resource.
Responses | |
200 | Operation successful |
403 | Action forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" -X PUT https://api.giscloud.com/1/roles/{id}.json -d '{"parent_id": 1001}'
URI Parameters | |
id | Resource ID |
Delete a role resource by ID.
Write access on a resource is allowed to all users or groups that have editing permissions (or higher) on that resource.
Responses | |
204 | Operation successful |
403 | Action forbidden |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" -X DELETE https://api.giscloud.com/1/roles/{id}.json
The user can read and write to the cloud storage.
Code | Description |
{PATH_TO_A_FILE} | Path to a file |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/storage/fs/my_folder/world.shp
The request body must be formatted according to the multipart post method i.e. standard HTTP file upload method.
If file being uploaded is in ZIP format it will be automatically decompressed in the destination directory.
Can be sent as x-www-form-urlencoded where 'filename' and 'content' must be specified or as form-data where 'file' must be specified.
Code | Description |
{PATH_TO_A_DIRECTORY} | Path to a directory for uploading |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" -F filedata=@test.csv https://api.giscloud.com/1/storage/fs/my_folder
Code | Description |
{PATH_TO_A_FILE} | Path to a file |
Code | Description |
204 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" -X DELETE https://api.giscloud.com/1/storage/fs/my_folder/world.shp
Get features of select layers at a defined location
Attribute name | Description |
perpage | Number of results per page to display (Default: 100, Maximum: 1000) |
page | Page number to display |
layer_id | Comma-separated list of layer IDs containing features you want to query |
srid | Spatial reference ID of the geo-coordinate system you will use to define the location (e.g. 4326 in case of WGS84) |
point_x | Longitude or easting of the location |
point_y | Latitude or northing of the location |
buffer | Radius around your location in which to look for features – you can use 1m (one meter) if you don’t want a large area |
srid | Set the SRID (default: 4326) |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" "https://api.giscloud.com/1/geo_utils/features_at_point?layer_id=5429&point_x=16&point_y=18&buffer=1000.json"
Parameter name | Description |
name | Name of the new layer |
size | Buffer size |
units | Units for the size param (meter, kilometer, mile, degree); optional (defaults to meter) |
merge_geom | Group all geometry together; optional (defaults to true) |
border_width | Width of the new layer’s features polygon border; accepts values 1-4; optional (defaults to 1) |
border_color | An RGB color string for the new layer’s features polygon border color; optional (defaults to 0,0,0) |
fill_color | An RGB color string for the new layer’s features polygon fill color; optional (defaults to 255,255,255) |
Code | Description |
201 | Operation successful + Response header: location of the newly created layer (1/maps/{MAP_ID}/layers/{LAYER_ID}) |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X POST -d '{"name":"buffer_layer_name","size":"100","merge_geom":true,"units":"meter","fill_color":"198,45,240","border_color":"0,32,96","border_width":1}' https://api.giscloud.com/1/layers/123/buffer.json
All resources that can be shared (maps, layers, datasources etc.) have their own unique resource ID. Resource ID for e.g. a map can be checked using /maps/{map_id}. Resource ID of a map is not to be confused with map ID.
Code | Description |
{RESOURCE_ID} | Resource ID, can be of the map, layer, datasource etc. |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/resources/123/permissions.json
"type": "permissions",
"total": 0,
"page": 1,
"data": [{
"permissions": [{
"type": "READ",
"share_id": "657"
"username": "anonymous"
"permissions": [{
"type": "OWNER",
"share_id": "655"
"username": "gc_user"
// Please note “share_id” value under “permissions”, this ID is used in delete permission requests.
Code | Description |
{RESOURCE_ID} | Resource ID, can be of the map, layer, datasource etc. |
{SHARE_ID} | ID of specific permission for resource |
Code | Description |
201 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/resources/123/permissions/657.json
"id": "657",
"resource_id": "18393783",
"user_id": "205535",
"dependency_option_id": null,
"username": "gc_user",
"permission": "OWNER"
Code | Description |
{RESOURCE_ID} | Resource ID, can be of the map, layer, datasource etc. |
Here’s a list of all available permissions:
Code | Description |
201 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" -X POST -d '{"username": "gc_user", "permission": "READ"}' https://api.giscloud.com/1/resources/618/permissions.json
# Example of sharing a map with resource ID ‘618’ to user ‘gc_user’ with permission ‘READ’
Code | Description |
{RESOURCE_ID} | Resource ID, can be of the map, layer, datasource etc. |
{SHARE_ID} | ID of specific permission for resource |
Code | Description |
204 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" -X DELETE https://api.giscloud.com/1/resources/618/permissions/1.json
# Example of deleting permission with share ID ‘655’ from resource with ID ‘618’
"id": "250",
"key": "747887a8126db2ca24ee668eb5547dbb",
"key_desc": "upload",
"created": "2020-06-26 09:39:27.380406+02",
"accessed": "2020-06-26 09:39:27.380406+02",
"key_trunc": "02e4ef",
"active": "t"
Get all API keys for the current user.
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/keys.json
"type": "keys",
"total": 5,
"page": 1,
"data": [
"id": "250",
"key": "747887a8126db2ca24ee668eb5547dbb",
"key_desc": "upload",
"created": "2020-06-26 09:39:27.380406+02",
"accessed": "2020-06-26 09:39:27.380406+02",
"key_trunc": "02e4ef",
"active": "t"
// ...
Code | Description |
{API_KEY_ID} | API key ID |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/keys/12.json
"id": "250",
"key": "747887a8126db2ca24ee668eb5547dbb",
"key_desc": "upload",
"created": "2020-06-26 09:39:27.380406+02",
"accessed": "2020-06-26 09:39:27.380406+02",
"key_trunc": "02e4ef",
"active": "t"
Generate a new API key
Code | Description |
201 | Operation successful + a URL to the newly created resource in the Location header of the response |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X POST https://api.giscloud.com/1/keys.json
Delete an API key.
Code | Description |
{API_KEY_ID} | API key ID to be deleted |
Code | Description |
204 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X DELETE https://api.giscloud.com/1/keys/rows/12
"id": 2,
"client_id": "1c6f218d947914c913ff",
"client_secret": "secret",
"redirect_uri": "https://myapp.giscloud.com",
"owner": 2,
"name": "test",
"description": "my app"
Get all OAuth2 clients for the current user.
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/oauth2_clients.json
"type": "oauth2_clients",
"total": 1,
"page": 1,
"data": [
"id": 2,
"client_id": "1c6f218d947914c913ff",
"client_secret": "secret",
"redirect_uri": "https://myapp.giscloud.com",
"owner": 2,
"name": "test",
"description": "my app"
Code | Description |
{CLIENT_ID} | OAuth2 client ID |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/oauth2_clients/2.json
"id": 2,
"client_id": "1c6f218d947914c913ff",
"client_secret": "secret",
"redirect_uri": "https://myapp.giscloud.com",
"owner": 2,
"name": "test",
"description": "my app"
Create a new OAuth2 Client
Code | Description |
201 | Operation successful + URL to the newly created resource in the Location |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X POST -d '{"name": "New app", "redirect_uri": "https://my.redirecturi.com"}' https://api.giscloud.com/1/oauth2_clients.json
Delete an OAuth2 Client.
Code | Description |
{CLIENT_ID} | OAuth2 Client ID to be deleted |
Code | Description |
204 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X DELETE https://api.giscloud.com/1/oauth2_clients/2
"id": 2,
"uid": 5,
"client_id": 45
Get all user approved apps for the current user.
Attribute name | Description |
perpage | Number of results per page to display (Default: 100, Maximum: 1000) |
page | Page number to display |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/userapprovedapps.json
"type": "userapprovedapps",
"total": 1,
"page": 1,
"data": [
"id": 2,
"uid": 5,
"client_id": 45
Code | Description |
{USER_APPROVED_APP_ID} | User Approved App ID |
Code | Description |
200 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -H "API-Key: {USER_API_KEY}" https://api.giscloud.com/1/userapprovedapps/2.json
"id": 2,
"uid": 5,
"client_id": 45
Create a new User Approved App.
Code | Description |
201 | Operation successful + URL to the newly created resource in the Location |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X POST -d '{"client_id": 2}' https://api.giscloud.com/1/userapprovedapps.json
Delete an User Approved App.
Code | Description |
{USER_APPROVED_APP_ID} | User Approved App ID to be deleted |
Code | Description |
204 | Operation successful |
404 | Resource not found |
curl -X DELETE https://api.giscloud.com/1/userapprovedapps/2